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Release--Diversion Of Water


Release executed on [date release was executed], by [name of releasor], of [address of releasor], here referred to as releasor, to [name of governmental agency], [of the City of , County of , State of], here referred to as releasee.


According to a plan of [conservation operations or as the case may be] on file at the [governmental agency] for the City of [City], County of [County], the [name of governmental agency] [now operates or is about to construct or is about to put into operation] [erosion control measures or as the case may be] which [divert or will divert] water [to or from] land located at [address], which [water does not normally flow thereon].

The above-described [erosion control measures or as the case may be] will affect the following-described property owned by releasor [set forth legal description] in the following manner:
[describe effect].


In consideration of the sum of $ [Amount paid], receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of [erosion control measures now in operation or about to be constructed or put into operation or as the case may be] [name of releasor] [releasor], hereby releases and discharges [name of governmental agency] for the City of [City], County of [County], State of [State], and all persons and parties connected in any way with such construction, operation and maintenance thereof from any and all present and future claims and demands of every nature arising from or caused by such construction, operation or the maintenance or lack of maintenance thereof.


This release is limited to the operations set forth on the above plan and shall be forever binding on releasor, releasors heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

In witness whereof, releasor has executed this release at
[designate place of execution] on [date].

Signature Date